Pay TV channels may soon leave the DD Free Dish
Television broadcasting in India is set to change drastically when new rules from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRA…
Television broadcasting in India is set to change drastically when new rules from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRA…
This is Prasar Bharati's first update of 2025 to improve its viewers' experience. To meet the demands of free DTH viewer…
11 March 2017: The government in 2017 has decided to use cartoons based on Indian culture, mythology, and ethos to curb the cult…
Latest Update on 15th August 2023 - The country's first and country's own channel is now available from 15th August (In…
If you are still watching the DD Freedish in 2023 only through the MPEG-2 box then you should change your set-top box now. Becau…
There is great news for Doordarshan Freedish, Prasar Bharati has added new MPEG-4 frequencies to its free DTH service and expand…
Lok Sabha TV was an Indian Public TV channel by the Government of India. Lok Sabha TV is the first parliamentary channel in Indi…
Updated on 6th February 2023 - Ishara TV channel is back on its old slot means you will be able to watch this channel again on t…
If you want to see the news of the country as well as the world, then definitely watch DD News. DD News is now a 24-hour Hindi n…
This is the latest update for DD Free dish viewers that the B4U Plus channel changed to the Dhamaka B4U channel. Now, this chan…
Doordarshan Bengaluru takes a new initiative. DD Roshini an educational channel started as a Pilot on the Digital Terrestrial Pl…
Doordarshan which is the country's first TV channel. You will be surprised to know that the tagline of Doordarshan National …
In collaboration with Google, Prasar Bharati is removing all fraudulent apps that are impersonating All India Radio and Doordar…
In10 Media's music channel ShowBox music channel became India's number Hindi Music channel. The information shared #Anan…
The analog terrestrial transmission of Doordarshan will become history after some time, mainly because of the steps taken by Pra…
This is another good news at the end of the 2020-2021 financial year that DD Free dish expanded its MPEG-2 channels. Currently,…