If you are looking for Dd Free Dish All Channel Frequency in 2025, then you are on the right website. Here we have also included satellite direction, DD Free dish Satellite, Satellite direction with elevation, and azimuth. These frequencies included DD Free dish MPEG-4 Frequency, and DD Free dish HD frequency list which is very useful for setup and auto scan and adding a new program. You can use this frequency to tune all the channels. This list also includes DD Free Dish frequency MPEG 4 and DD Free Dish frequency MPEG 2 or Dd Free Dish TP List. This list also included aaj tak DD Free dish frequency,
Sony Wah DD Free dish frequency, DD Sports dd free dish frequency, and other TV channels frequencies.
So let's know the latest and updated DD Free dish Frequency Setting 2025, Auto / Blind Scan LNB Frequency for 9750 and 5150. This list included MPEG-4 Frequency, MPEG-2 Frequency, HD Frequency, and Satellite FM/ Radio Frequency.
Note: If you have a DD Free dish MPEG-2 Set-Top Box then you won't receive some TV channels. Use DD Free dish MPEG-4 HD Set-Top Box.
So you can get DD Free dish New Frequency 2025 with LNB Frequency, Satellite Name and Angle, TP List, and Auto scan free dish frequency for 5150 and 9750. So you can scan dd free dish on all channels in 5 minutes.
DD Freedish Frequency List
You can manually create a satellite by visiting in satellite list and filling in the following details. Here are satellite downlinking details.
DTH Free Dish Satellite Reception details -
Here you can find DD Free dish Frequency 2025, which helps you to set up and add a new program. First, you have to point your Ku-Band DTH antenna angle to the 93.5 east direction, then you can fill these frequency details in your set-top box for manual and auto scans. But you should check LNB frequency before adding the TP list.
What is the normal LNB frequency?
DD Free Dish Latest or New Frequency or Transponder List 2025 -
TP List |
Symbol Rate |
Frequency Settings |
Set-Top Box Type |
Channels Type |
10970 |
40 Channels |
11010 |
40 Channels |
Doordarshan - 4 Private - 14 |
11130 |
40 Channels |
Doordarshan - 5 |
Doordarshan - 2 Private - 16 |
Vande Gujarat -16 DD Digishala - 6
11630 |
Swayam Prabha -22 DD Digishala -18 |
11670 |
Digishala - 40 |
DD PM e-Vidya - 40 |
11470 |
11050 |
1. DD Free dish Horizontal TP List (Received by Blind Scan)-
2. DD Free dish Vertical TP List (Received by Blind Scan) -
DD Free Dish Frequency Settings
- 11090 Frequency (Strong Signal)
- 11170 Frequency
- 11470 Frequency
- 11510 Frequency (Weak Frequency)
- 11550 V Frequency
- 11550 H Frequency
- 11590 Frequency
- 11630 Frequency (MPEG-4 Frequency, Receivable by MPEG-4/HD Set-Top Box)
- 11670 Frequency
1. Scan 10970/V/29500 MPEG-4 Signal Frequency ...
This is the first Frequency of DD Free dish DTH, if you will start turning your set-top box by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency first, then you will get 40 TV channels in MPEG-4 Quality DD PM e-Vidya TV channels.
Add manually DD Free dish 10970 MPEG-4 Frequency -
To add this Frequency 10970 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Installation >> Satellite List or Tranponder List >> Add New TP >> Type Frequency 10970, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
2. Scan 11010/V/29500 MPEG-4 Signal Frequency ...
This is the second Frequency of DD Free dish DTH, if you will start turning your set-top box by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency first, then you will get 40 TV channels in MPEG-4 Quality DD PM e-Vidya TV channels.
Add manually DD Free dish 11010 MPEG-4 Frequency -
Add Frequency 11010 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Installation >> Satellite List or Tranponder List >> Add New TP >> Type Frequency 11010, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
3. Scan 11090/V/29500 MPEG-2 Signal Frequency ...
This is the third Frequency of DD Free dish DTH, if you will start turning your set-top box by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency first, then you will get 18 TV channels in MPEG-2 Quality including Doordarshan and Private TV channels.
Scan manually DD Free dish 11090 Frequency -
Scan this 11090 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11090/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Scan this Frequency 11090 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Installation >> Satellite List or Tranponder List >> Add New TP >> Type Frequency 11090, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
4. Scan 11130/V/29500 MPEG-4 Signal Frequency ...
This is the fourth Frequency of DD Free dish DTH, if you will start turning your set-top box by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency first, then you will get 40 TV channels in MPEG-4 Quality DD PM e-Vidya TV channels.
Tune manually DD Free dish 11130 MPEG-4 Frequency -
Tune this Frequency 11130 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Installation >> Satellite List or Transponder List >> Add New TP >> Type Frequency 11130, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
5. Tune 11170/V/29500 Freedth Signal Frequency ...
This is the fifth Frequency of the DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your set-top box by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency at the second number, then you will get 18 TV channels in MPEG-2 Quality including Doordarshan regional and other Private TV channels.
Add this TP in DD Free dish 11170 MPEG-2 Frequency -
Add 11170 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11170/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11170 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Go to Installation >> Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11170, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
6. Tunning 11470/V/29500 DD Free dish Frequency ...
This is the sixth Frequency of the DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using blind scan or Auto-Tune settings then you will find this frequency at the 3rd number, then you will get 18 TV channels in MPEG-2 SD Quality including Doordarshan regional and other Private TV channels.
Know how to manually tune DD Free dish 11470 Frequency -
Add 11470 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11470/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11470 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11470, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
7. Scanning 11510/V/29500 GSAT-15 Satellite Frequency ...
This is the seventh Frequency of the DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using blind scan or auto-tune settings then you will find this frequency at the 4th number, then you will get 20 TV channels in MPEG-2 SD Quality including Doordarshan regional and other Private TV channels.
Know how to manually tune DD Free dish 11510 Frequency -
Add 11510 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11510/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11510 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11510, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA Only / Free >> Press Search
8. Scanning 11550/V/29500 GSAT-15 Satellite Frequency -
This is the eighth Frequency of the DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using blind scan or auto-tune settings then you will find this frequency at the 5th number, then you will get 20 TV channels in MPEG-2 SD Quality including Doordarshan regional and other Private TV channels.
Know how to manually tune DD Free dish 11550 Frequency -
Add 11550 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11550/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11550 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11550, Polarity V and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button
9. Tuning 11550/H/29500 Free Dish TV Frequency ...
This is the ninth Frequency of DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using blind scan or auto-tune settings then you will find this frequency at the 6th number, then you will get 16 Vande Gujarat TV channels in Gujarati languages in MPEG-2 SD Quality including one Doordarshan Digishala channels.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11550 Frequency for Vande Gujarat-
Add 11550 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11550/H/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11550 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11550, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button
10. Add 11590/V/29500 Free Dish TV Frequency ...
This is the tenth Frequency of DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using blind scan or auto-tune settings then you will find this frequency at the 6th number, then you will get 16 Vande Gujarat TV channels in Gujarati languages in MPEG-2 SD Quality including one Doordarshan Digishala channels.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11590 Frequency for Vande Gujarat-
Add 11550 Frequency in MPEG-2 Set-Top Boxes -
Press Menu Button >> Program Setup >> Add New Program >> Type 11590/V/29500 Frequency >> Select Mode - FTA / FREE >> For Scan / Search Press - OK.
Add Frequency 11590 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11590, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button
11. Scan 11630/V/30000 Free DTH MPEG-4 Frequency ...
This is the Home frequency for the Prasar Bharati-approved iCAS Set-Top box which helps to upgrade account details, OTA software, and the Home channel. Although this frequency is using i-CAS encryption for a limited period, temp is free-to-air for testing purposes.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11630 Frequency for MPEG-4 / HD channels-
Add Frequency 11630 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11630, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 30000 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button
You can check - DD Free Dish MPEG4 Channel List here.12. Scan 11630/H/29500 New MPEG-4 TP List ...
This is the Home frequency for the Prasar Bharati-approved iCAS Set-Top box which helps to upgrade account details, OTA software, and the Home channel. Although this frequency is using i-CAS encryption for a limited period, temp is free-to-air for testing purposes.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11630 Frequency for MPEG-4 / HD channels-
Add Frequency 11630 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11630, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button
You can check - DD Free Dish MPEG4 Channel List here.13. Add New Transponder 11670/H/29500 in your TV Box ...
This is the seventh Frequency of the DD Free dish, if you will start scanning your satellite receiver by using a blind scan or auto-tune setting then you will find this frequency at the 7th number, and you will get 17 Swaymaprabha Education TV channels in MPEG-2 SD Quality.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11590 Frequency for Swayamprabha channels-
Add Frequency 11670 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11670, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button.
14. Add New Transponder 11670/V/29500 TP in TV Box ...
This DD Free dish 11670 frequency carries e-Vidya TV channels on the platform. All the TV channels are available in MPEG-2 quality which can be received by any type of set-top box.
Manually tune DD Free dish 11670 Frequency for e-Vidya TV channels-
Add Frequency 11670 in HD MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes -
Press the main Menu Button >> Find and Go to Installation >> Find and Select Satellite List or Transponder List >> Find and Select Add New TP >> Type TP Frequency 11670, Polarity H and Symbol Rate 29500 >> Save >> Press Blue Button for Scan >> Select Scan Mode - FTA /Free >> Press Search Button.
Please note - You can get more FTA channels by switching on the 22KHZ setting in your set-top box. Know more about 22 kHz setting.
You can check DD Free Dish Channels List New channel on Freedish.in the website.
Other Information
MPEG-2 Channels | |
MPEG-4 Channels | |
HD Channels | |
Radio Channels | |
Installation Details | |
Setting Help | |
Satellite Settings Details | |
Other Services | |
School Education | |
Graduation & Post Graduation | |
Digital Banking Education | |
Gujarati Education |
Please note- that Old Traditional set-top boxes will receive only MPEG-2 TV channels. these boxes will not support MPEG-4 frequencies. So it is time to upgrade your box. So that you can update all the DD Free Dish frequency settings in 2025. This list also included dd free dish frequency MPEG-4, dd free dish frequency 5150, and dd free dish frequency MPEG-2. It means you will find dd free dish all channel frequencies. If you want to do a blind scan with an auto-scan or blind scan then the DD Free dish Frequency will be 09750 / 10600 (Universal LNB).
Your questions (FAQs)-
What is the LNB frequency of DD free dish?
You can check the Auto Scan Free Dish Frequency above.
What is the LNB frequency of DD sports?
You can fill DD sports LNB frequency 09750-10600 or 5150. You can check DD Sports channel number and frequency from here.
How do I set the free frequency on Dish?
You should have a free-to-air satellite receiver to get FTA TV channels by DD Free dish.
What is the LNB frequency of Sony pal?
You can fill DD sports LNB frequency 09750-10600 or 5150. You can check Sony PAL TP Frequency from here.
What frequency do satellites use?
What is the frequency we use for satellite communication in DD Freedish?
What is the new frequency of DD Free Dish?
What is the LNB frequency of DD Free Dish?
What is the LNB frequency for DTH?
How do I retune DD Free Dish?
Which satellite is best for DD Free Dish?
what is dd sports dd free dish frequency?
What is the new dd-free dish frequency?
What is star utsav dd free dish frequency 2025?
What is dd free dish frequency aaj tak?
How to check dd free dish frequency and channel list?
What is dd free dish frequency setting auto scan?
What is dd free dish frequency zee anmol?
What is the dd free dish frequency encrypt program solution or the dd free dish frequency for the paid channel?
What is DD Free Dish Channel list 2025 MPEG2 today?
You can check the latest updated MPEG-2 channel list here.
What is the complete DD Free dish channel list for 2025?
You can check all channel lists here.
What is the DD Free dish MPEG4 Channel list?
You can check the DD Free dish MPEG4 channel list here.
What is DD Free dish frequency setting 2025?
You can check the latest DD Free dish frequency for settings and installation here.
How to print or download the DD Free Dish channel list 2025 in pdf?
You can download or print the lifetime free DD Free dish channel list in pdf here.
What is the new frequency of Free Dish?
The frequency of Free Dish channels can vary depending on the specific channel and the DTH service provider. Typically, the frequency range used by Free Dish channels is between 11050 MHz to 11550 MHz. However, for up-to-date information on the frequency of Free Dish, you check the above on freedish.in frequency page.
Which channel frequency is best for DD Free Dish?
DD Free Dish uses the Ku-band frequency range of 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz for satellite transmission. As for the channel frequency, there is no single "best" frequency for DD Free Dish, as different channels may have different frequencies depending on their content and broadcasting requirements.
What direction is the DD Free Dish satellite?
DD Free Dish uses the GSAT-15 satellite for its transmission, which is located at 93.5° East longitude in the geostationary orbit.
What is the LNB frequency for DD Free Dish?
The LNB (Low-Noise Block) frequency for DD Free Dish is 9750-10600 MHz. DD Free Dish uses the Universal LNB, which has two frequency ranges, the low-band, and the high-band. The low-band frequency range is 9750-10600 MHz, while the high-band frequency range is 10700-11700 MHz. The receiver selects which frequency range to use based on the channel being viewed.
Which frequency is best for DD Free Dish?
You can tune 11090/V/29500 to get all TP-frequency satellite signals.
How many channels are in free dish?
If you will scan your DD Free dish FTA Box with HEVC HD technology then you will receive 469 TV channels.
What is the LNB frequency?
The LNB frequency for satellite TV transmission ranges between 9.75 GHz to 10.6 GHz for the Ku-band and 3.4 GHz to 4.2 GHz for the C-band.
What is the new frequency of DD Free Dish?
You can find DD Free Dish All Channel New Frequency with Brief Details of DD Free Dish Channel Satellite GSAT-15 satellite above.
What is the frequency of mpeg2 set top box in DD Free Dish?
Here is the frequency of the MPEG2 set-top box -
We wanted malayalam chanels
ReplyDeleteAny hope?
They are only adding North Indian channels.
DeleteSahi kar rhe hai
DeleteDear friend, we can watch FTA sundirect channel. I personally watch 15+ Sun tv
DeletePlz tell me how to watch
DeleteParameter set up kaise kare
Deletehow did you made that sir ? , i have revive only hindi channels
DeleteCartoon network channel add please 😀
DeletePlease add Tamil channels
ReplyDeletePlz add Haryana news channel
ReplyDeleteWe wanted star utshav channel.
ReplyDeletePlease dd free dish add this channel
DeleteStar utsav start at 10 June 2020
DeleteEven it is also added don't worry from 10th June it will be started on you TV but you have to auto scan that's all
DeletePlease add zee tamil in dd free dish
DeleteHollywood movie in hindi Chanel's chla do
ReplyDeletePlease free the channel colors cineplex
Deletedear sir we want any food channel like food food and discovery or animal planet.
ReplyDeleteKannada channels
ReplyDeleteWe wanted kannada news channels pls?
ReplyDeleteKannada siddi vaahinigalannu serisi pls
DeleteChainal thora aata iske liye kiya kare
ReplyDeleteWe wanted dd Shimla channel please
ReplyDeleteWhat will be the cost of new iCAS set top box?
We wanted many Bengali chenel
DeleteMoves channel
Yes also we want kerala channels pls add
ReplyDeleteWhich all spiritual channels are on dd free dish now? Please list
ReplyDeleteWhy the channel zee Rajasthan can't be viewed since last 20 days.When it will be restored ?
ReplyDeleteDD.raipur (c.g.)Jo 24×7 Ka prasharn q Nahi Kiya ja rha DD free dish .jabki Komal me 24gante Ka karyakarm uplabdh .please batainge sir
ReplyDeleteThank you for update
ReplyDeleteSeek charhdi kala channel
ReplyDeleteSony PAL ad
ReplyDeleteHi girls just wanted
ReplyDeleteHi, I also want
Deletewe want chardikala tv.
ReplyDeletewe want chardikala tv
ReplyDeleteDD freedish is not available in Andaman and Nicobar Islands,Is there any hope that DD freedish will be having its services in AN Islands in the coming days and when??? Regards
ReplyDeleteMpeg2 box a btv ki asbe ne
ReplyDeleteDD freedish is not available in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Is there any hope that we will be given the services of DD freedish in coming future and when??Regards
ReplyDeleteMpeg2 box a btv ki asbe ne
ReplyDeleteRequaird my chanel
ReplyDeleteNo hope
ReplyDeletePlease give more free channel
ReplyDeleteI want Tamil channels
ReplyDeleteSome channels shown no signal why?
ReplyDeleteI want sone cartoon channel
ReplyDeleteKannada Telugu channel frqvancy
ReplyDeleteI want infotenment channel
ReplyDeleteNo tari new Odia channel launch
ReplyDeleteआज कुछ चैनल पे सिग्नल चले गए तो मैने सारे चैनल डिलीट करके फिर से स्कैन किये तो वो चैनल बापस नही आये जिसमे सिग्नल कम थे अब मैं क्या सेटिंग करु बता दीजिये
ReplyDeleteYou need to add that frequnecy manually so that all channels will come up.
DeleteI want to exchange my old dd free dish set top box with new
ReplyDeleteWhich place availible in Indore city
ReplyDeletePlease add star utsav and zee anmol again as soon as possible
ReplyDeletebig magic is not coming
ReplyDeletefrequency 11510 ke sare channel nhi aa rhe bhut try krne pr bhi.kl tk ye aa rhe the please help.
ReplyDeleteBtv world MPEG 2 par nehi araha hai so pls this channel is started
ReplyDeleteToday my free dish channel is only 34 channel why ! Please tell me
ReplyDeleteWe wanted all hindi channel any hope?
ReplyDeleteAuto scan kar li jiye.
DeleteAll chanel aa jayege
You are best solushion web Site
ReplyDeleteDear sir/madam I am keen watcher of dd free dish for the past 12 years now we have more than 30 MP s in Tamil nadu please add Tamil and lifestyle channels like in the past. Thanks lot
ReplyDeleteIs there any hope to add marathi news channel on dd free dish
ReplyDeleteMarathi news chanal soda plij
ReplyDeleteSir aastha bhajan , satsang, divya, shardha, katyayani, chardikla time tv add please mpeg2 settop box
ReplyDeleteSony pal add kaise kare
ReplyDeleteCartoon Chennal Kab Tak aayegs
ReplyDeletePlease aadd malayalam channels. There are only one channel. Please add more
ReplyDeletesir plz add new channal haryanvi and bhakti
ReplyDeleteplz add shubh tv
ReplyDeleteI use dd dish from 2004 but last week i do not get signal dd tp 11090,11170 only what is the reason please reply.
ReplyDeleteDear sir, please add any marathi news channel...please ...please..
ReplyDeleteSir all channel number and tras Freq
DeleteI can't see abp maza
ReplyDeleteDD FREEDISH provide good entertainment in free of cost its really good no matter there is no paid channel enterteinment but still its really good, thank you
ReplyDeletePunjab set up
ReplyDeleteOnly able to watch channels on TP Frequency 11090 & 11170 rest all TP freqFrequ not working in Mumbai. Kindly Help
ReplyDeleteOnly able to watch channels on Tp Frequency 11170 & 11090 Rest all Frequency in not working even after every Search in Mumbai kindly assist
ReplyDeleteSir please zee anmol channel add please
ReplyDeleteDear sir. please send me 'satsang'
ReplyDeleteChannel audio path and video path
DD free dish channel mein star me jitne bhi paid mein gye hai bo koi nahi dekhta hoga star ,anmol,sab,bo sirf free dish hi acche lgte
ReplyDeleteSir please add Kannada news channel & Kannada music channel
ReplyDeleteALL CHANEL ARE AVALABLE ON OTHER SAT,BUT NO MORE BENGALI CHANELL ON DD FREE DISH.please sir ad more bengali chanel on this settalite.it is most popular for all indian living men free to air and prasar bharati national dth services.
ReplyDeletethank you,.
Plz kannada channel add sir
ReplyDeletePlease add some cartoon or Knowledge channel like Discovery or othe and cartoon like Sony Yah , cartoon network,pogo,sonick
ReplyDeletePlease add chattisgarh local cannel
ReplyDeletedangal channel fuqancy kya dalu
ReplyDeleteHOW TO dd BHARTI
ReplyDeletePlease add dd bharti channel
ReplyDeleteSir /madam,what's going on in all India there maximum using dd free dish because it's free and every body there wants some entertainment channel but still there is no entertainment channel in past there is a entertainment channel like Zee Anmol,Sony etc and now no one is there, we requesting you sir to please add some entertainment channel for everyone for mpeg2 box
ReplyDeleteSir Please add Religions channel on DD FREE DISH
ReplyDeleteStart sports tp
ReplyDeleteInd24 news mp AD please sir
ReplyDeleteKindly update Marathi News, Entertainment & Movies Channels in MPEG-2 list of FTA Channels.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you cancel Star Sport first channel...?
ReplyDeletePlease add this channel
Pl add mh 1 shardha chanal on dd for vasno devi aarti
ReplyDeletePlease add himachal state channals and Punjabi channals
ReplyDeletePlease add himachal state channals and Punjabi channals
ReplyDeleteHow to add MPEG-4 Channels in MPEG-2 Set Top Box ????
ReplyDeleteHow to add dd bharti
ReplyDeletePlease add Star utsav
ReplyDeleteIn this situation where government doing everything to make people stay at home, you should also enter some good channels or at least broadcast some good movies.
ReplyDeletePlease broadcast some new moviea all day long that old boring movies are not good at all.
ReplyDeletedd saptagiri is not coming.pls tell me how to add this channel and tell the frequency and parameters settings
ReplyDeleteआदरणीय श्री मान जी
ReplyDeleteकृपया कर आपने संस्कार,आस्था एबं दिव्य भक्ति चैनेल जो हटा दिए हैं कृपया उन्हें पुनः प्रसारित करने की कृपा करें अभी हिंदी भक्ति के लिए साधना के अलावा कोई भी चैनेल नही चल रहा है आप साधना को हटा दीजिये ओर इसकी जगह आस्था,संस्कार एबं दिव्य को जोड़ दीजिये जिससे लोगो को डीडी फ्री डिश पर भक्ति सेवा का लाभ पुनः मिले
Please make an option for watching paid channels also by making payment online if any customer wants to watch.
ReplyDeleteWe want new movies channel or cartoon channel.
ReplyDeleteIn waiting for your response.
Mere pass sky sat company ka set top box h usme pure channel nahi aa rhe h ..koi idea btaye
ReplyDeleteStar bhart channel kab aayega
ReplyDeletePlease Punjabi gurbani channel
ReplyDeleteसर कृपया करके mpeg 2 सेटटॉप बॉक्स में आस्था एबं संस्कार चैनेल को एड कीजिये ताकि इस महामारी की घड़ी में हम आस्था,संस्कार पे प्रसारित होने वाली भागवत कथा राम कथा सांध्य आरती एवं आस्था पर सुबह आने वाली श्री रामदेव जी के साथ योग कर सके
सर कृपया करके mpeg 2 सेटटॉप बॉक्स में आस्था एबं संस्कार चैनेल को एड कीजिये ताकि इस महामारी की घड़ी में हम आस्था,संस्कार पे प्रसारित होने वाली भागवत कथा राम कथा सांध्य आरती एवं आस्था पर सुबह आने वाली श्री रामदेव जी के साथ योग कर सके
I can't see vande Gujarat channel and zee24 kallak gujarati channel on my MCBS iCAS STB. PLEASE help me what can I do?
ReplyDeleteDD Bharati channel not show on dd free dish please help
ReplyDeletedear sir plz add bhkti channal and remove blue channal
ReplyDeleteIs there any Marathi News Channel is availabe on free dish
dangal channal kese aayega
ReplyDeleteDo you even consider the suggestion what all the people are giving ? Please do something how much old movies you'll gonna make us watch and it's continuously, every movie comes 2-5 times in just a one week. Please do something.
ReplyDeletePlease add. Assamese channel .
ReplyDeleteWe want cartoon chanels 2-3 like hangama , pogo
ReplyDeleteBlue chennal bhi hata do dinbhar ek hi movie aati he ispar
ReplyDeleteहमारी राष्ट्रीय भाषा हिन्दी है। भोजपुरी नहीं
ReplyDeleteकृपया हिंदी चैनल भी एड कीजिए।
वरना डी डी फ़्री डिस ऐसा लगता है जैसे भोजपुरी फ़्री डिश हो।
Sanu star sports ,star utsav , Sony pal channel dhekne han
ReplyDeleteSir please add cartoon & discovery channels
ReplyDeleteNamaste sir
ReplyDeleteSir please show box channel chala do bhut achha Haryanvi channel tha
plz give a full page on star utsav,colors rishtey.zee anmol,sony pal new update plz add
ReplyDeleteme zee anmol , star utsav or baki channel kese dekhu???
ReplyDeletePlease add Anjan TV on free dish
ReplyDeletenicklodien sonic channel dd free dish koliye aana chaiye bachhe hamesa cartoon channel ke liye khayte hai
ReplyDeleteAny planning to add business channel CNBC aawaz or Zee Business?
ReplyDeleteSir on the Sony wah channel
ReplyDeletePlzzzzzzz add star bharat and star sports 1st
ReplyDeleteWe want star bharat channel
ReplyDeletePlease add channels chardikala time tv, star bharat, sony wah, ptc chakde.
ReplyDeletePlease add star bharat chardikala time tv, sony wah, star sports first, ptc chakde channels
ReplyDeletePzz add SAB TV channel or Star gold
ReplyDeleteThe Q India is available on free dish
ReplyDeletePlease add this chanel
Please add some free Bengali Entertainment, NEWS & Music Channels. like, Calcutta News, ABP Ananda, RPLUS News & Bangla Bharat.
ReplyDeleteHow to added Sudarshan News on dd free dish
ReplyDeleteSir please add cartoons channel
ReplyDeletePlz star bhart wali mhabhart start on dd bharti ya dd durdarshan ya fir dd retro
ReplyDeleteI wan to watch star bharat, sony wah, star utsav movie and 9x tashan on dd free dish
ReplyDeletePlzz add some uttrakhandi music channel
ReplyDeletePlease upload tamil channel. Sir
ReplyDeleteTamil channel please add me sir
ReplyDeleteStar Bharat channel add kar dijiye please.
ReplyDeleteI want icas mpeg 4 setup box can u provided me detail from where I get it.
ReplyDeleteI live in haryana
******Respected DD free DTH management, please add more ******Telugu news and entertainment channels in our DD free dish platform.******** Please add them as early as possible. Various private DTH managements are increasing their rates year by year.so we have to popularise DD free dish in India. that's why I ,as a TELUGU speaking person, request you to add more Telugu news and entertainment channels in our DD free dish platform. I may be thankful to you if you fulfill not only my and Telugu people desire as early as possible.
ReplyDeletePlease add Sandesh news Gujarati Tv9 Gujarati
ReplyDeleteI want odia chanels as ther is no odia chanel is available on thsi platform
ReplyDeletePrasara Bharati should have a consistent policy of which All India Radio Stations, including FM stations across India to be offered on DTH. Sometimes, FM stations from all Metros are available, sometimes just Delhi FM AIR channels are available. Have some consistency so that Customers shall purchase the STP and depend upon DD FReedishfor their entertainment. Please ensure other worldwide FTA channels like BBC Radio are added in addition to Korean and Bangladeshi channels.
ReplyDeletePlease add star sports network on DD free dish and also Sony sports network please sir please
ReplyDeleteSar ji DD free dish per Cartoon network dikhane ka kripa Karen 24 ghanta Hindi cartoon network please sir
ReplyDeletePlease many more more South Indian channels no any news channels
ReplyDeleteSir why not add star sports first channel on DD free dish because many national tournament ahead in 2021 Asia cup and t20 world ,,Ipl2021.....
ReplyDeleteLagbag Sare chanal pe no signal aa rahi hai
ReplyDeletePlz help for add sony pal & rishtey
Sari Kurupya Odia Channel Add Kare Please
ReplyDeleteWe need some bangla entertainment channels which is lack in dd free dish.
ReplyDeletesony mix ya star sports first add these chnnels please
ReplyDeleteTelugu canals please
ReplyDeletesir I can see Korean channel in dd free dish
ReplyDeleteSir, star sport 1 चैनल को उपलब्ध कर दीजिए।
ReplyDeletePlease star Utsav channel add kar dijiye na plz plz🙇🙇🙇
ReplyDeletefree dish me koi bhi channel nhi aa rahe hai pl. bataye kya karan hai
ReplyDeletePlz enter kids chennal... Cartoon & art & craft chennals
ReplyDeleteRajasthan news free dish add please
ReplyDeleteSir please add kr dijiye ye Wale channel star utsav movies, Sony wah ,b4u music and mtv
ReplyDeleteSir please add sony pal in dd free dish please
ReplyDeletePlease add anjan tv in dd free dish
ReplyDeleteSir please mpeg 2 me new channel add karo
ReplyDeletePls add kannada public movie&music channels
ReplyDeletePlz add punjabi gurbani
ReplyDeleteSignal problem all free dish box
ReplyDeleteKiya kare
Stargold thrils nahi ahra hai dd free dish par wo channel ham kaise laye
ReplyDeleteWe have just checked, It is working fine. check your Star Gold Thrills Frequency.
DeleteDD National HD pr sound nahin aa rahi hai . Please ise bhi thik karvana.
ReplyDeleteMaine galti se frequency number change kar diya hai all channels band ho gaye hai please real frequency number bata do koi
ReplyDeleteHello Everybody, I’m from Afghanistan.
ReplyDeletePlease add all Star channels and Sony channels; specially Sony Max, Sony Entertainment, Star Gold.
Thank you.
Please add telugu music channel or movies channel
ReplyDeleteusb pend drive kaun se file support karta hai