The Public broadcaster Prasar Bharati amended the DD Free Dish policy in the previous month. Under the newly amended policy, a new bucket has been created to reserve MPEG2 slots for devotional channels. The new bouquet name is Devotional R1. You can check here.
Here is the total bouquet announced by DD Free Dish. You can check the DD Free dish channels list according to reserved bouquets.
Here is the total bouquet announced by DD Free Dish. You can check the DD Free dish channels list according to reserved bouquets.
Sr. |
Bucket |
Genre/Language |
Pro-rata Starting Reserve Price |
Buckets Eligible to Participate |
1 |
GEC (Hindi/Urdu) |
-- |
A+, A, B, C, D, R1 |
2 |
Movie (Hindi/Urdu) |
-- |
A, B, C, D, R1 |
3 |
TV channels of all genres except news and current affairs (Hindi/Urdu). All Bhojpuri Channels |
-- |
B, C, D, R1 |
4 |
Hindi/Urdu News/Current Affairs Channels |
C, D, R1 |
5 |
Devotional/Spiritual/Ayush All Genre Marathi & Punjabi News & Current Affairs (English) |
D, R1 |
6 |
All other Languages channels |
R1 |
*If a particular Indian language is represented on DD Free Dish by any channel(s) under Bucket R1 for 02 years continuously then that concerned language shall be deemed as represented and it shall be shifted from Bucket R1 to Bucket D from next year. |
E-Auction Methodology for Allotment of Slots of DD Free Dish Platform to Private Satellite TV Channels 2025
Disclaimer - This information is only for general education purposes. You must check the official website of Prasar Bharati, they time to time revise this Methodology.
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