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DD Free Dish platform's Education TV channels expanded

Doordarshan Prasar Bharati has extended Educational TV channels on its Free DTH platform, DD Freedish. That is, now educational TV channels on DD Freedish can be for all states of their syllabus and local language. Now all of the states of India might be capable of taking advantage of this. Let's talk about the benefits of this detail -

Which TV channels have expanded on the DTH platform?

First of all, allow us to tell you that this expansion has occurred to the Educational TV channels on DD Freedish. Information about the channels is here -

Expansion of PM e-vidya TV channels -

Earlier only 12 TV channels were to be had under the PM e-vidya which means one channel for one class. These channels were based on CBSE and commonplace syllabus. Now the quantity of these channels has multiplied to one hundred twenty. Now it can be that quickly there might be one channel for one class for each state. Earlier these TV channels have been to be had in MPEG-2 format however now the generation has been upgraded to MPEG-4 at the side of the expansion.

So here we will say that the TV channels of PM e-Vidya have also expanded, and broadcast technology upgraded.

Expansion of PM e-Vidya TV channels, up to 120 TV channels started.

Updated TV Channels List of PM e-Vidya TV Channels

Expansion of TV channels of MHRD -

You would already realize that 34 TV channels of MHRD have been strolling on DD Freedish in the name of Swayamprabha, which had been run by famed universities of India, which include IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IGNOU, UGC, and many others. Earlier those channels were to be had in MPEG-2 but now they have been upgraded to MPEG-4. The second element is that currently 22 channels had been started, and soon other TV channels are likely to get slots.

So here we are able to say that the TV channels of MHRD have not been extended but have virtually been upgraded to MPEG-4 quality.

MHRD Swayamprabha's TV channels now shifted from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4

Updated TV Channels List of MHRD Swayamprabha TV Channels

Expansion of Digishala's TV Channels -

Earlier there has been most effective channel named Digishala on DD Freedish however now extra than 60 TV channels had been began. Information related to Internet income, Internet Transactions, Internet safety, Internet security, etc. Has been to be had on those channels, and now the authorities' plan is to expand it. 

Expansion of Digishala's TV channels, up to 64 new TV channels started

Updated TV Channels List of DigishalaTV Channels

Then what came about to Vande Gujarat TV channels?

Vande Gujarat TV Channels which were mainly for the state of Gujarat, and the content material coming in it was in Gujarati and English language. For the time being these MPEG-2 channels were deprecated. So Maybe these channels are blanketed for the kingdom of Gujarat underneath the call of PM e-Vidya

Or maybe they may also be given MPEG-4 slot on DD Free Dish in a few days.

The Vande Gujarat TV channels are not added yet

If you are not getting these channels? -

If you are not getting these channels, it means you are still using MPEG-2 Set-Top Box or MPEG-2 FTA receiver, you should upgrade to MPEG-4 DD Free dish Set-Top Box.

Whatever will be updated, you can get it from Freedish.In website.

Doordarshan Prasar Bharati has extended Educational TV channels on its Free DTH platform, DD Freedish. That is, now educational TV channels on DD Freedish can be for all states of their syllabus and local language

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