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Watch FreeDish on Computer, Laptop, or PC Monitor?

There are many ways to watch DD Freedish on a computer, laptop, and PC monitor, some of which are listed here. So you can read them and adopt whichever method you find appropriate and simple.

If your monitor has an HDMI port -

If your monitor has an HDMI port, you can connect any free-to-air HD set-top box directly to the monitor. If in case the display is not coming even after connecting, then check how much resolution your monitor supports. If it is Full HD then select 1080 resolution in the set-top box otherwise select 720p. Your display will come up.

A home theater can be connected via an AV port for audio.

 If your monitor does not have an HDMI port -

If your monitor doesn't have an HDMI port, buy an HDMI to VGA converter and connect your set-top box. If the display is not coming then set the resolution from the set-top box. 99 percent of the set-top box's display comes at 720p

Along with the computer, Freedish should also run.

For this, you have to buy an external TV tuner. In which you can connect the set-top box with an AV port to the TV tuner and connect a TV tuner to a PC with a VGA port.

Watch & Record Freedish LIVE TV channels -

There are three ways for this -

1. For this you have to buy an Internet TV Tuner which comes in the form of a USB Dongle. Connect it to the computer then install its software. Now connect the set-top box's AV to USB Dongle with an AV cable. You can also use a video capture device.

But keep in mind that your computer's RAM and processor should also be good for the internal TV tuner. Otherwise, the computer may slow down. This dongle can also be used to watch Freedish channels on a laptop.

2. Connect the DVB-S2x PCI-e External card to your computer. If you are from a good technical background then you can get this card installed on your PC. Then you can scan Freedish channels without a set-top box direct dish antenna connection by connecting it to your PC. You can also record these channels and live stream on your websites and applications.

3. Add the DVB-S2x internal USB card to your computer or laptop. It works exactly like the DVB-S2x PCI-e external card. Your laptop should be with the latest configuration.

If you have any other technical questions related to Freedish in your mind, then definitely ask, we will post the answers to your questions as soon as possible. Stay connected with the Freedish website.


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