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57th e-Auction - MPEG-4 Slots booked by 12 TV channels

57th Online e-Auction - Prasar Bharati Invited applications from Broadcasters for MPEG-4 slots Results coming soon

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Prasar Bharati invites applications for allotment of MPEG-4 slots of DD Free Dish DTH Platform for the period from 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 through the 4th annual e-auction process (57th e-auction) to be tentatively held from 10.02.2022.

Only satellite channels licensed by the Ministry of I&B would be allowed to participate in the e-auction. Only companies holding valid permission from the Ministry of I&B or their authorized distributor partners can apply for participation in e-auction for allocation of DD Free Dish slot. In case the applicant company is other than a licensee, the document/agreement signed between license Holder Company and applicant company authorizing the applicant/bidder for distribution of the channel and bidding on behalf of the licensee must be submitted. 

Last date of 57th e-Auction for MPEG-4 slot -

The Last Date for submission of applications and original Demand Draft is 08.02.2022 (Tuesday) latest by 03.00 P.M.

Can International TV channels allow to board on DD Free Dish? -

Yes, International Public Broadcasters licensed by the Ministry of I & B can also participate in e-auction.

Which STB can receive DD Freedish's MPEG-4 TV channels? -

At this time any MPEG-4/HD satellite receiver can receive DD free dish MPEG-4 TV channels. But Prasar Bharati reserves all rights to restrict access of MPEG-4 signals to unauthorized STBs at any point in time. After that these MPEG-4 TV channels will be available only in i-CAS enabled MPEG-4 Set-Top Boxes.

How can add my TV channel to DD Free dish DTH?

Interested Satellite TV broadcasters may apply online at and upload all required documents as prescribed in the application. Please note that it is mandatory to pay the non-refundable processing fee of Rs.25,000/- online at the above portal to submit the application. The participation fee of Rs. 10.0 Lakhs (Rupees ten lakhs only) is to be paid only through Demand Draft. A copy of the participation fee demand draft is to be uploaded online. 

After submission of the online application, the original demand draft for participation fee along with a printout of acknowledgment for submission of online application, which will be sent to you on your authorized e-mail, is to be submitted in sealed cover either in person or by Speed/Registered Post addressed to Director (Platforms), Room No. 601, Tower-A, Directorate General: Doordarshan, Doordarshan Bhawan,

Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001 latest by 08.02.2022 (Tuesday) by 03.00 P.M.

What are the charges to add a TV channel in the MPEG-4 slot?

Bidding in the Prasar Bharati 4th annual e-auction (57th e-auction) of MPEG-4 slots will be open to all genre (language) Channels at the reserve price of Rs. 50.0 Lakhs/annum. Online training will be provided to all eligible participants before the commencement of the actual e-Auction. 

Non-refundable processing fee of Rs.25,000/- is to be mandatorily paid online at before submission of application.

If required, Prasar Bharati can extend the e-Auction to the next day or as the case may be. Prasar Bharati also reserve the right to accept/reject/cancel/amend the e-Auction/slot at any time during the e-Auction or after e-Auction

If not won a slot on DD Free dish -

Prasar Bharati reserve the right to accept/reject/cancel/amend the e-Auction/slot at any time during the e-Auction or after the e-Auction. You can check 57th e-Auction Results from here, Total of 12 TV channels won the MPEG-4 slot of DD Free dish.

If won slot on DD Free dish -

Every successful bidder will be required to sign an Agreement with Prasar Bharati in two original copies within 15 days of the issue of the Letter of Allotment. The prescribed format of the Agreement is available on the website 

Successful channels will be placed on vacant Logical Channel Numbers (LCNs) of DD Free Dish. After completion of e-auction, a successful channel may apply giving three options in the order of preference for allotment of LCN. However, this does not guarantee for placement of a successful channel on preferences given for LCN. All such requests shall be considered by Prasar Bharati in accordance with the prescribed

procedure for allotment/change of LCN to private TV channels, which is available on the website Prasar Bharati’s decision in this regard shall be final. 

Successful Channels will be required to arrange their own IRD Box in advance at DTH Earth Station, Todapur, New Delhi, to place their Channel on the DD Free Dish Platform.

You find the original notification from here. You can check DD Freedish's currently available MPEG-4 TV channels list from here.

हिंदी में पढ़े


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  1. Sir,
    I have been watching DD Free Dish regularly. I like all channels. I request you to add more than three Tamil , both movies and music, channels. I want to watch Tamil Old Songs in TV. So please arrange to add Tamil channels for songs exclusively.

    Thanks and regards,
    Eruvadi N.Subramanian

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