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54th e-Auction Results DECLARED - 5 New TV channels

MPEG-2 slots are lying vacant in DD Free Dish for a long time, so the waiting period is now over. Prasar Bharati declared the result of the 54th e-Auction for vacant MPEG-2 slots.
Total 5 TV channels won the slots in 54th e-Auction, here is the channel list-
  1. Ishara TV - Most demanded Hindi Entertainment TV channel
  2. Showbox - India's Top 5 Hindi Music channel - It is comeback once again in MPEG-2 slot, earlier it was available on MPEG-4 slot.
  3. Sun Marathi - Marathi language brand new channel from Sun Network
  4. Naaptol - 24-hour Shopping TV channel, it is returned on DD Free dish platform after a long time.
  5. Enterr10 Bangla - It is comeback once again in MPEG-2 slot, earlier it was available on MPEG-4 slot.
54th e-Auction Results - 5 New TV channels coming from 16th August

At present, there are about 950+ TV channels in the country which are pay and free. In which there are around 800 free TV channels. But only a few channels participate on DD Free Dish.

Therefore, the next 56th e-auction of DD Free Dish will be an opportunity for all these channels, through which those channels will reach every nook and corner of the country.

54th e auction date 2021, 54th e auction date, 54th e auction dd free dish, 54 e auction channel list, 54 e auction result, 54 e auction dd free dish, 54th e auction date 2021, 54 e auction dd free dish date, dd free dish 54 e auction channel list

You can understand that even after having 800 free-to-air private TV channels in the country, the number of private TV channels available on DD Free Dish is only around 100+.

However, Prasar Bharati is soon planning to expand to 250 slots on DD Free Dish, after that more and more TV channels will be able to participate.

At present 6 vacant slots (Test 419, Test 420, Test 517, Test 518, Test 519, Test 520) are available in MPEG-2 on DD Free Dish and two slots (Test 621, Test 615) are vacant in MPEG-4 out of which 54th TV channels to be filled through e-auction.

Recently 53rd e-auction was completed on 1st April, you can check the results from here.


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  1. DD Free Dish needs a complete overhauling and upgradation to compete with other private platforms. Channel numbers are always changing. Instead of adding channels on annually and pro rata basis, include channels atleast for five years. Your rate is also very much inflative. No regional channels could afford to your price. Fixed Point Chart of the channels are not available.

  2. Add haryanavi news and entertainment channels on mpeg2

  3. I want to say regards to all of my dear brothers and sisters who work for dd free dish,,, iam from Afghanistan Kabul,, plzz add hindi movie channals and sports channals in next ,,,


  4. Tipu sultan aana chaiye dd national per

  5. Gujarati movie chenal add karo
    Gujarati movie chenal ak pan nathi

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