DD Free dish extended 6 more new slots in MPEG-2

This is another good news at the end of the 2020-2021 financial year that DD Free dish expanded its  MPEG-2 channels. Currently, the Earlier DD Free dish has 88 MPEG-2 slots for entertainment TV channels including private and Doordarshan. Now the 6 more slots are added to the list.

Test channel / Vacant Channel, Test Slot, Vacant Slot

Here you can see new MPEG-2 slots added on 30th March 2021.

  1. Test 419 (New)
  2. Test 420 (New)
  3. Test 517 (New)
  4. Test 518 (New)
  5. Test 519 (New)
  6. Test 520 (New)
DD Free dish extended 6 more new slots in MPEG-2

Here is a complete MPEG-2 new slots list for entertainment TV channels including new slots. 

DD Free Dish MPEG-2 Slots for Entertainment Channels
















Test 101

Test 201

Test 301

Test 401

Test 501

Test 102

Test 202

Test 302

Test 402

Test 502

Test 103

Test 203

Test 303

Test 403

Test 503

Test 104

Test 204

Test 304

Test 404

Test 504

Test 105

Test 205

Test 305

Test 405

Test 505

Test 106

Test 206

Test 306

Test 406

Test 506

Test 107

Test 207

Test 307

Test 407

Test 507

Test 108

Test 208

Test 308

Test 408

Test 508

Test 109

Test 209

Test 309

Test 409

Test 509

Test 110

Test 210

Test 310

Test 410

Test 510

Test 111

Test 211

Test 311

Test 411

Test 511

Test 112

Test 212

Test 312

Test 412

Test 512

Test 113

Test 213

Test 313

Test 413

Test 513

Test 114

Test 214

Test 314

Test 414

Test 514

Test 115

Test 215

Test 315

Test 415

Test 515

Test 116

Test 216

Test 316

Test 416

Test 516

Test 117

Test 217

Test 317

Test 417

Test 517 (New)

Test 118

Test 218

Test 318

Test 418

Test 518 (New)




Test 419 (New)

Test 519 (New)




Test 420 (New)

Test 520 (New)

So you can see DD Free dish continuously expanding its TV channel list for free entertainment and enhancing its services. Now a total of 88+6 = 94 MPEG-2 slots will be used for entertainment and current affairs purposes.

The new slots will be used from 1st April 2021 for new TV channels which won the 52nd online e-auction.

On 26th September 2019, Prasar Bharati increased 8 new MPEG-2 slots.

  1. Test 117
  2. Test 118
  3. Test 217
  4. Test 218
  5. Test 317
  6. Test 318
  7. Test 417
  8. Test 418

You can also check scanning results on 31st March 2021 -

For more updates on DD Free dish, keep visit us on www.freedish.in, you can also check the updated DD Free dish new channel list from here.

Here you can find more latest news about DD Free dish DTH.

Also, ReadIndia's free DTH DD Free dish crossed 40 million subscribers


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  1. पुरानी फिल्मों का चैनल स्टार्ट करें।

  2. Any kannada launguage news entertainment channels add me please

  3. Please add nick discovery kids pogo and Disnep Channel in dd free dish flatform my children's will be asking

  4. Add new cartoons channels . like pogo,Nick , cartoon Network, Disney channel, Sonic

  5. Add Punjabi song channel like 9x tashan, mh1 music

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