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Get more than 200 Radio / FM channels of AIR on Smartphone

There is great news for smartphone users that now All India Radio has made most or all of its radio and FM channels online and has connected all the channels with a single application. That is, with the help of your smartphone, you can also listen to the radio stations that we once used to listen to on Medium Wave (MW) or shortwave (SW).

These radio channels are now digitally available on every smartphone, along with Mediumwave (MW) (AM) and Shortwave Radio (SW). Which you can listen to whenever you want without having to put headphones on. All these local and national radio channels have been added to the News On AIR App (News on AIR) which you can download and install for free from Google Play Store or iOS Store, and enjoy free radio.

Benefits of the people of the country

  • The access to local channels of ALL INDIA RADIO will now be accessible to every Indian in any city or any state.
  • Even the smallest information from the local station or your own city will be easily available to the people.
  • Local businessmen of the city can increase their reach or business by advertising on their own radio station.
  • People of the city or village will get good offers, correct and certified information, government schemes, government jobs, lost found, etc. in their own city.

See the list of radio channels available on NewsOnAir from here. You can follow NewsOnAir on Twitter for the latest updates. 

Switch your smartphone to radio - Scan or download now by clicking.

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  1. Please bring all these channels live at pc also.

  2. Please arrange to broadcast all these channels through ku band.
    Eruvadi N.Subramanian

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