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49th Online E-Auction Results Declared - 2 Channels won

Latest Update -

Prasar Bharati Declared the results of the 49th e-auction which has successfully completed for the DD Free dish MPEG-4 slot. 

Here is the List of New Upcoming TV channels -

  1. Popular TV
  2. News Nation UP / UK
49th Online E-Auction Results Declared - 2 Channels won

These TV channels will be added on a pro-rata basis from 10th November 2020 to 31st March 2021. Here you can check the updated DD Free dish MPEG-4 channel list.

Previous Update-

Prasar Bharati notified the private television broadcaster to join DD Free dish by 49th e-Auction.

This e-Auction will be held on the afternoon of 4th November for the allotment of vacant MPEG-4 channels slots on DD Free dish DTH.

Here are the complete details of the 49th e-Auction -

49th e-Auction Time and Date - 4th November 2020, Afternoon.

Period of Availability - 10th November 2020 to 31st March 2021.

49th e-Auction Results - To be announced after 5th November 2020

Which TV channels can participate in the 49th e-Auction?

Only satellite television channels licensed by the Ministry of I&B for downlinking in India. International television broadcasters are also allowed if the channel is licensed by the Ministry of I&B for downlinking in India. 

What is does it mean by MPEG-4 slot?

The channel provider shall be required to notify viewers of the need to use the Prasar Bharati authorized Set-top-Boxes (STBs), to watch these TV channels without any interruptions. Because Prasar Bharati reserves all rights to restrict access of MPEG-4 signals to unauthorized STBs.

For details like DD Free dish e-auction process, terms & conditions, and payments, etc. Please check the policy guidelines available on and official websites.

Here is the 49th e-Auction Advertisement -

49th e-Auction - PB Applications invited for the Vacant DTH slots

You can check the official notification from here.

You can check other DD Free dish latest updates related to e-Auction. You can read this update in Hindi.


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  1. Mai class 10 cbse board se hu mujhe ye nhi pata ki class 10 ka time kya hai padhane ka

  2. Please add one private Kannada news channal. Requested for all karnataka state people.
    Thank you

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