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Arihant Channel left from MPEG-4 slot

31st May 2022 - Arihant Channel left from MPEG-4 slot

Arihant TV is a Hindi-language 24/7 Jain spiritual/devotional television channel, owned by Vedic Broadcasting Limited. The Arihant channel is free-to-air.

Arihant TV's first time added on DD Freedish DTH in a MPEG-4 slot means it can be received by MPEG-4 set-top box only.

How to get Arihant TV Channel in DD Freedish?

At this time, Arihant TV and other channels are temporary basis free to air on the MEGP-4 slot but later it will be encrypted by iCAS.

If you have iCAS enabled set-top box then you will enjoy the Arihant TV without any trouble

Arihant TV channel was available at the given below frequency :

Satellite - GSAT 15
Position - 93.5 Degrees East
LNB Frequency - 09750-10600 (Universal Ku-Band)
TP Frequency - 11630
Symbol Rate - 30000
Quality - MPEG-4
Mode - Temp FTA
Encryption - Yes (iCAS)

Here is the complete list of new channels which has been added in MPEG-4 slots on 15 May 2019

For more updates of DD Freedish iCAS channels, you can visit us on DD Freedish iCAS section.

Arihant Channel History on DD Freedish

Arihant Channel added on DD Freedish 15 May 2019
Arihant Channel removed from DD Freedish - 31st May 2020


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  1. हिन्दी मूवी चेनल एड करो

  2. Sir ek bi kam ka channel nahi he is me lg ta he ab dd free dish kohi nahi lega ab is ki umar gahi😩😩😩

  3. Please Add Hindi Movies Channels. Thanks.

  4. Dd free dish main koI bhi chanel dekhne layak nahin raha

  5. its is totally wasted to watch this channels because first u purchase mpeg4 i-cas set top box. the price of this is box around 2,000 rupees.

  6. ये चैनल कैसे आएंगे

  7. Please add PEACE OF MIND channel also

  8. Please add aastha bhajan, sadhna divya, shub bhagti thanks on MPEG 2 there are only MPEG 2 dettol box in our market here are not avilelbl MPEG 4
    Please solve our problem .
    Thank you.

  9. Dear sir
    1 jain channel add please
    Paras tv and arihant channel
    Thank you🙏🙏

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