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Prasar Bharati is inviting e-Application for Authorization of Set-Top Box OEMs

Prasar Bharati is inviting e-Application for Authorization of Set-Top Box OEMs

E- Applications are invited for and on behalf of Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan for Authorization of STB OEMs in India.

Prasar Bharati said that original equipment manufacturers filing tenders for this purpose would have to be DD authorized OEMs to sell DD approved Indian conditional access system (iCAS) and firmware/middleware-enabled boxes.
Prasar Bharati is inviting e-Application for Authorization of Set-Top Box OEMs

The application form, including technical and financial details, can be downloaded from website
E-application notice is also available on Doordarshan / Prasar Bharati official websites.


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  1. i request you 1 seril channel &tv an one kid channel plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i request you

  2. North Eastern states has only one channel ID NORTH EAST, But as we all know every states has different cultures . We in north Eastern India eagerly waiting for New channels for each state

  3. if OEM is enable in my Set-top box means can I view DD channels only or I can add another Dish like ABS in my Set-top (two dish in one set top box) please clarify

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