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Sansad TV HD Left from DD Free dish

Lok Sabha TV was an Indian Public TV channel by the Government of India. Lok Sabha TV is the first parliamentary channel in India. It is dedicated to the Lower House of Parliament. Owned and operated by Lok Sabha Secretariat.

Sansad TV HD Left from DD Free dish

The channel broadcast live and recorded coverage of the Lok Sabha (lower house of Parliament). Its main motive was to make it accessible all the work of the parliamentary and legislative bodies of India.

In 2006, the DD Lok Sabha TV channel was replaced by Lok Sabha TV (LSTV), with a 24-hour TV channel broadcasting in Hindi and English, which is owned and operated entirely by the Lok Sabha.

Sansad TV HD Left from DD Free dish

On 15th September 2021, LS TV rebranded to Sansad TV, and LS TV and RS TV merged into one channel Sansad TV. You can check Sansad TV SD frequency and channel number from here but Sansad TV HD Channel is left from the DD Free dish.

You can check the updated TV channel list on DD Free Dish, after adding Sansad TV to its channels list.


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